Skysens APM and Skysens Integrated Services offered together to ensure best outcome for digitalization efforts.

Skysens APM
Skysens Agile Predictive Monitoring Platform comes with all-in-one, edge deployable analytics IIoT capabilities, optional long-range wireless network technology and, with industrial data adapters and user-friendly interface.
Skysens Integrated Services
Skysens integrated services as an integral part, comes with hardware ecosystem, wireless support, engineering support and consultancy.

Trusted By

Core Applications Which APM Brings Value
Core Applications Which APM Brings Value
Industrial data platform
Skysens APM helps industrial users to visualise, contextiualize and share industrial process data and sensor measurement across teams and users easily.
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Skysens APM helps you to cut down energy costs and be better for the world at the same time.

Predictive Maintenance and Asset Monitoring
With Skysens APM, users easily implement predictive maintenance actions and monitor their asset performances remotely and securely with no need for frequent facility visits.
Improved Manufacturing
Skysens APM leverages its data capture and analytics capabilities to improve overall OEE with better product quality and production efficiency with a fully integrated platform to MES, and ERP Systems.
Improved Manufacturing Process Monitoring
With different sensor types, reporting, capabilities, and integrations, Skysens APM helps your enterprise for health and safety and improves the comfort of the employees.
Skysens APM Value to Every Role in the Industry
Skysens brings trust to every level in the enterprise.
Increase your profits with the shortest return of time industrial digitalization platform in the market. Start your Industry 4.0 journey with modest budgets on multiple fronts at once start with small steps to digital transformation in your industry with easy-to-use analytics ready for your workforce.

Engineering managers can scale overall team’s expertise with agile and secure no-code applications to achieve more proactive frontlines. Thanks to detailed reporting and collaborative data management, get the best out of every member of the team. Less production interruptions and energy costs.

With IT-OT convergence capabilities and singular data stream and user management capabilities, with a highly-secure build, Skysens APM lets IT teams to handle OT data streams easily and efficiently.
Frontliners can implement proactive actions to problems in the field with a no-code, drag-drop analytics that they can set up quickly. With a fully managed hardware ecosystem and integrated long-range wireless network, years of problems can be solved in a matter of hours easily without frequent site visits.


Skysens brings agility to your industrial facilty

Most Comprehensive Solution

Skysens comes with the most comprehensive solution with all the elements required for successful industry 4.0 application for efficiency increas and asset performance improvement.

Easy to
Use Analytics

Skysens Analytics Interface enables any user independent of their level.

to Fit

Skysens APM easily fit to existing systems with data adapters and hardware support for physical integration interfaces.

Ready for Anyone, Anywhere

Skysens APM and integrated services helps users with easy way to capture data, analyze and get results much faster than anyone in the market.


Skysens APM Provides Most Compherensive Way Of Industrial Analytics

Skysens APM has extensive data collection capabilities with industrial data adapters such as OPC, MODBUS, MQTT and also REST APIs, Webhooks, in addition to data adapters, optional long range industrial wireless technology comes with extensive portfolio of devices.
Skysens APM comes with ready to use stream analytics, high-performance data storage, and drag-drop visualization interface, with data sharing and user management capabilities for sharing and reporting.
APM comes with integrated, LoRaWAN compatible, industrial long-range wireless technology for frictionless data capture with end to end security and without any cabling or connection to existing IP networks.
Smart notification management, reporting and alarming interfaces enables users to act according to events preemtively, with easy integration to any internal communication tool.