Skysens APM Platform and Integrated Services Features
For providing the most comprehensive and integrated IIoT solution in the market, Skysens designed APM platform and services to complement each other for a flawless experience for any industrial enterprise, big or small.


Skysens agile predictive monitoring platform (APM) easy-to-use, edge deployable platform with drag-drop visualization, no-code analytics, user management, smart reporting and notification management, asset management, data integration, and manipulation, and LoRaWAN compatible wireless network management capabilities for optional long-range IIoT infrastructure.


Skysens integrated services include Skysens hardware ecosystem which is ready to ship at your doorstep at a moment's notice, remote integration and deployment support, RF engineering support for wide area deployments, platform customization, and custom integration development support, in-depth application consultancy for additional expertise and custom AI development support.

Agile Predictive Monitoring Platform Features

Drag & Drop Interface

Skysens APM can be used and customized by anyone easily and quickly thanks to its drag-and-drop interface.

Customizable Dashboards

Any user can create dashboards with analytics according to their need. dashboards can run on any industrial or non-industrial screens and with night mode features.

Smart Reporting

Skysens APM can create scheduled or on-demand reports, and send them to any user based on anomalies, sensor readings, calculated values, and other important data to create a more simplified view of daily operations.

Smart Notifications

Users can create smart notifications with SMS, email, or voice calls for selected users for real-time alarming for any system anomaly. With Skysens integrated services, any notification can be integrated into any industrial or non-industrial infrastructure such as SCADA software or external collaboration tools.

No-Code Analytics

No coding knowledge is needed! Users can create their own workflow, stream, and non-stream analytics with Skysens without long and complicated training requirements.

Easy to Use Rule Management

Users can create new rules depending on real-time or historic data, on edge or cloud without any limitations on real-time.

User and Team Management

Skysens APM comes with extensive user and team management capabilities for managers and team leaders. With its user management tools, managers can add, remove or block users, silence notifications, create teams, and notification strategies, assign virtual or physical data sources, and many other capabilities on a single screen for.

Easy Data Sharing Between Users

In addition to standard notification management, depending on their user level, users can create virtual assets as a representation of any physical context and share it with other users to make them aware of the situation and respond accordingly on the ground.

Asset Management

Users can use asset management tools to monitor performance, status,and history. These assets can be physical or virtual industrial assets depending on the context and application requirement. With this capability, any user can create new data sources for business requirements based on problems and applications on industrial processes.

Digital Twins

Users can easily create digital twins depending on their industrial process flows with physical and digital assets depending on the context. With this, grouping industrial data sources and maintaining their constant data flow is much easier for real-time system monitoring for efficiency.

Core Applications Which APM Brings Value
Industrial data platform
Skysens APM helps industrial users to visualise, contextiualize and share industrial process data and sensor measurement across teams and users easily.
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Skysens APM helps you to cut down energy costs and be better for the world at the same time.

Predictive Maintenance and Asset Monitoring
With Skysens APM, users easily implement predictive maintenance actions and monitor their asset performances remotely and securely with no need for frequent facility visits.
Improved Manufacturing
Skysens APM leverages its data capture and analytics capabilities to improve overall OEE with better product quality and production efficiency with a fully integrated platform to MES, and ERP Systems.
Improved Manufacturing Process Monitoring
With different sensor types, reporting, capabilities, and integrations, Skysens APM helps your enterprise for health and safety and improves the comfort of the employees.
To see Skysens APM and integrated services features on the job, schedule a free demo!


Continuous Support

Our support philosophy is not only for the APM platform but all end-to-end IIoT infrastructure which also includes Skysens hardware and integration questions.

Hardware Portfolio

Depending on application type and requirement, Skysens selected relevant hardware depending on optimal cost/performance rating, practicality, security, and availability for the user. Skysens and its partners also keep stock of hardware ready to send directly to your doorstep for your application requirements and system expansion decisions depending on application requirements.

Customization & Integrations

With Skysens APM integrated industrial LoRaWAN technology offer, new data requirements are easily handled with high scalability when needed.

In-Depth Application Consultancy

For vibration-based predictive maintenance, energy and sustainability, health and safety, quality and production improvements, if you have any in-depth consultancy requirement, we bring our team of consultants to the table for your existing business-related integrations and improvements.


With Skysens APM integrated industrial LoRaWAN technology offer, new data requirements are easily handled with high scalability when needed.

Long-Range Wireless Capabilities

Skysens APM takes advantage of LoRaWAN compatible technology for the data capture option to connect a wide range of hardware, so it can cover a wide area easily from 10+ miles outdoor ranges without any extensions.

Easily Scalable Network

With easy integration of indoor or outdoor gateways, any network coverage requirements can be handled without additional sunk cost.

Network Management Interface

Skysens APM takes advantage of LoRaWAN compatible technology for the data capture option to connect a wide range of hardware, so it can cover a wide area easily from 10+ miles outdoor ranges without any extensions.

Isolated Network Offer

With global gsm sim card integrated gateways, the system can work with gsm backhauling anywhere in the world without any operation requirements. Also with an additional satellite communication offer, this capability can be extended to any region globally even if there is no gsm infrastructure!


As an integral part of Skysens integrated services, Skysens hardware ecosystem provides an effective response to new deployment requirements.


Skysens APM comes with a LoRaWAN edge devices catalog with ready-to-ship hardware specific to applications requested from the field without losing time.


Skysens support service covers not only APM platform but also Skysens IIoT hardware for flawless physical deployments.

Secure and Quality Hardware

Skysens works only with hardware that has the latest security and quality standards from global partners.


Skysens supports all connectivity options on the market which means, users still can use APM platform with hardware outside Skysens hardware portfolio, without any restriction or vendor lock situation.