Energy Cost Reduction in an Agile Way
Reduces energy costs with the same operational output. Use agile, comprehensive solutions with edge devices and smart analytics.
Manage Sustainability Efforts on a Single Platform
With Skysens APM platform, all sustainability-related parameters are infused in a single interface with smart analytics and data adapters.

MANAge global scale ındustrıal sustaınabılıty
efforts on a sıngle platform

Skysens, APM enables enterprises to get every bit of sustainability and energy-related data on a single platform with data adapters, wireless edge devices, and integrations. Use analttics AI for enterprise global sustainability and energy reduction goals.


As an APM partner that serves on the IIoT scene for a decade, Skysens touches the main pain points of the industrial IoT transformation to create a seamless and problem-free transition.


Current Problems in the Industry

To create energy-efficient and sustainable industrial infrastructure, companies needs to struggle with multiple roadblocks and add-on costs.

Data is not Readily Available

To understand the relationship between reasons and results, data needs to be ready from multiple data sources with high detail, unfortunately it is not the case for most industrial systems.

Getting Data from the Physical Environment is Hard

To understand real-time status of the systems, enterprises require lots of sensors but most of them do not exist or are not integrable to platforms.

Current Offers are Too Rigid

Monitoring energy consumption is not a new concept. However, having a system that is integrated into all workflows and other sustainability parameters is new. That is why current energy software offers are not useful for most enterprises.

Lack of Analytics

Monitoring and reporting sustainability and energy parameters remotely make sense but it is not enough. Analytics and AI should be integrated as an integral part of the solution which is not available most of the time.

Lack of Integration to Existing OT Infrastructure

There are great platforms that companies can benefit from, however, most of them do not have two-way data adapters that integrate smart and actionable outputs to existing industrial platforms to make operational teams more effective without using another tool.

Lack of Vertically Integrated Solutions

Most of the energy efficiency and sustainability monitoring tools today only provide software and do not offer integrated solutions which creates confusion and unclear results.


Skysens APM for energy efficiency and sustainability

To increase energy efficiency and reduce costs as well as improve global sustainability scores, Skysens provides a smart and agile way of doing things.

Get Every Bit of Data for Real-Time Details

In Skysens APM platform, data is contextualized and normalized to analyze easily whether it is coming from an energy meter, temperature sensor, steam turbine or wireless edge device.

Add New Sensors for a Better Understanding

Especially with its long range wireless network technology, Skysens provides very low cost and flexible data acquisition capability for energy and sustainability-related measurements.

Reduce Energy Costs and Waste in a Short Time

As an end-to-end platform, Skysens provides one of the shortest return of investment periods in the market. Especially for projects which do not require real-time data capture, the investment return period can be less than 12 months.

Use Different Sensor Types for Different Energy and Sustainability Questions

Skysens comes with an offer of different data adapters as well as an edge devices catalog which is completely interchangeable for data type, brand and, model of device and, user requests.

Make Existing Systems More Efficient and Sustainable with Less Waste

Skysens agile predictive monitoring platform can work with ERP, MES and other related platforms for real-time cost analysis, comparative analyses, energy cost calculations per product, and many other analytics requirements.

Improve Efficiency and Sustainability with All in One Package

Skysens provides the shortest ROI in the market with a comprehensive solutions with edge devices, a wireless networks, and a no-code analytics platforms.

Deploy the System Anywhere without Additional Investment

Depending on the requirement, Skysens provides edge, hybrid, or cloud deployments with complete isolated network options.

Include All The Team Members in Sustainability and Energy Cost Reduction Efforts

With Skysens data sharing and user management tools, managers can assign individuals with related data sources, share results and request to take actions for sustainability and energy efficiency easily.


As an APM partner that serves on the IIoT scene for a decade.


Skysens watches and monitors the facility 24/7 and logs the facility and workforce data.


With accurate data, Skysens analyzes the facility to create detailed reports.


You can do necessary improvements based on the accurate facility and workforce data.

How Skysens Creates Value for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Skysens enables an agile way of improving energy efficiency, reducing costs, and improving the sustainability of your industry.

Data Capture

Skysens gets related data from physical or digital data sources.

Data Analyze

With machine learning algorithms and predefined business logic Skysens analyzes data.

Add Smartness

With analyzed data, Skysens enables smart alarms, notifications, and reporting schemes as well as third-party integrations.
Skysens APM platform features energy efficiency and sustainability improvement With Skysens APM platform, any industrial enterprise can reduce cost of energy and improve sustainability efforts in no time.

Inbound and Outbound Data Adapters

Easily integrate data that is relevant, and create outbound data flows for corrective actions over legacy equipment.

Track KPIs and Other Sustainability Scores Real Time

Track global and system-based KPIs and sustainability scores in real-time or in historic with comparison charts and visualization.

Compare Energy Consumption at Different Locations and Assets

Compare and analyze energy consumption and CO2 emissions at different locations and facilities as well as assets.

Create and Share Reports with Different Users

Create one-time or scheduled reports for different parameters and share them with related users.

User-Based Data Management

Managers can easily assign or remove different assets to different users which are historic and stream IoT data sources depending on context.

Smart Alarms and Notifications Based on Real-Time Data

Create smart notifications with real-time and historic data to enable quick reaction to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions.
Skysens Unique Offering
Agile and Predictive Way of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Improvements


Skysens end-to-end approach enables its users to get data from the source and share it with related parties effectively eliminating third-party software and service requirements.


Skysens enables different data capture schemes required for energy efficiency and sustainability.


Skysens APM can be quickly implemented without the need of a third party with a wireless offer.


Skysens services enable users to implement customized solutions that are unique to the company

Business Flows

Energy and sustainability real-time data flows can be integrated with smart analytics directly into enterprise business flows with APIs and custom XMLs.

Skysens APM for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Serves Value to Every Level in Your Enterprise
Increase your profits with the shortest return of time industrial digitalization platform in the market. Start your Industry 4.0 journey with modest budgets on multiple fronts at once start with small steps to digital transformation in your industry with easy-to-use analytics ready for your workforce.

Engineering managers can scale overall team’s expertise with agile and secure no-code applications to achieve more proactive frontlines. Thanks to detailed reporting and collaborative data management, get the best out of every member of the team. Less production interruptions and energy costs.

With IT-OT convergence capabilities and singular data stream and user management capabilities, with a highly-secure build, Skysens APM lets IT teams to handle OT data streams easily and efficiently.
Frontliners can implement proactive actions to problems in the field with a no-code, drag-drop analytics that they can set up quickly. With a fully managed hardware ecosystem and integrated long-range wireless network, years of problems can be solved in a matter of hours easily without frequent site visits.