Skysens provides the most agile industrial transformation solution with a product-service integrated approach for every user level in industrial enterprises for more efficient and productive operations.


Skysens APM enables users to start solutions in a short time and effort without endless discussion and high budgets.

Simplest Way

With a complete no-code, hardware integrated platform, it requires shorter training time in the market. any member in the team can start an application easily or efficiency increase, predictive maintenance, predictive quality, sustainability, and other Industry 4.0 applications.


Skysens platform enables users to enhance capabilities of existing automation systems, SCADA, MES Systems, and Enterprise Software (ERP) without additional investments with different integration options on every level.

Quick to

Skysens provides the easiest way of implementing AI for industrial operations, especially for predictive insights for increasing efficiency and predictability with wireless capabilities.

Service &

Skysens integrated services support you in every step along the way contrary to other legacy platform providers.

Core Applications Which APM Brings Value
Core Applications Which APM Brings Value
Industrial data platform
Skysens APM helps industrial users to visualise, contextiualize and share industrial process data and sensor measurement across teams and users easily.
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Skysens APM helps you to cut down energy costs and be better for the world at the same time.

Predictive Maintenance and Asset Monitoring
With Skysens APM, users easily implement predictive maintenance actions and monitor their asset performances remotely and securely with no need for frequent facility visits.
Improved Manufacturing
Skysens APM leverages its data capture and analytics capabilities to improve overall OEE with better product quality and production efficiency with a fully integrated platform to MES, and ERP Systems.
Improved Manufacturing Process Monitoring
With different sensor types, reporting, capabilities, and integrations, Skysens APM helps your enterprise for health and safety and improves the comfort of the employees.


Data is not only at the core of Skysens APM but also the starting point for digital transformation. The ability to quickly capture, and analyze a large volume of data from different sources helps enterprises solve data problems.

Easy to Use Analytics and AI

For any industrial enterprise, the main problem is not the lack of analytics and AI products, it is the lack of agility and usability of the "smartness" by the enterprise itself. With easy-to-use integrations and useful data analysis techniques, Skysens brings agility to your facility, helps you measure your digital experience, and be a benchmark of notably successful operations.

Collaborative and Ability to Remote Working

Industry 4.0 revolutionized the game, and now it’s the turn for the next milestone. With a collaborative approach, Skysens platform empowers frontline operators again.

Data Democratization

Making data useful to everyone, from engineers to frontline workers, streamlines operations and enables all users to be more productive. With data democratization ability, Skysens helps industrial facilities build greater organizational transparency for easy AI development.

Actionable Insights

Skysens APMs extensive visualization and reporting tools enable users to take fast action, so you can take quick action based on data-backed insights. Data is meaningless, intelligence is invaluable.

Skysens Intelligence

Here at Skysens, our center of focus is to improve the industry with our new and easy-to-use intelligence capabilities embedded in our platform and services.

Vertical Integration

We believe any digitalization platform should adapt itself to existing systems, not other way around, that is why Skysens APM comes with multiple integration options for existing legacy physical and digital infrastructure.

Digital Twin

Digital twins are needed to be ready not for nice-looking graphics but as a road map for the total improvement of the industrial enterprise’s effectiveness and profitability.


Skysens APM platform has a scalable architecture for parallel processing easily. Also in-memory technologies are enabled for data ingestion and wireless network capabilities.


You don't have to toss your old systems into waste; Skysens APM is totally compatible with your existing industrial infrastructure with the help of Skysens integrated services.


Skysens APM is designed for a successful agile transition. Moving to agile with an easy-to-use digitalization platform enables enterprises to adapt to emerging changes and ensure productivity and profitability.

Experienced Team

The Skysens team is a collection of experienced engineers, developers, and IIoT experts. Our accomplished team drives our platform enhancements to make industrial enterprises agile, more productive, and more profitable.

Agile Wireless Capabilities

the key performance metrics defined for our long-range wireless technology (LoRaWAN) and battery-powered edge device portfolio for scalability and coverage. Skysens APM provides an option for quickly collecting data from wide areas indoor or outdoor effortlessly.

No-code Application

Skysens APM can be implemented easily without requiring extra coding or effort and offers convenience for every level of user. Your employees and your operations can become dramatically more agile, productive, and cost-efficient without its skills.

Mass Customization

Skysens platform can be easily customized according to user and application preferences.

Integrated Services

As an integral part of the "agile" approach, Skysens integrated services support its users along the way.


Skysens APM platform brings intelligence to your enterprise operations.

Easy to Use Visualization

Skysens enables drag-and-drop no code visualization tools with multiple widgets which are adaptable for any type of industrial screen for real-time or historic data flows.

AI & Data

Gathering and analyzing data is only the beginning of Skysens APM. Making the data accessible for all parties in the operation is what adds value to our technology.

Smart Reporting

Skysens reporting capabilities extend beyond simple pdfs it can support real-time or scheduled alarms, notifications, analysis results as well as integrations for internal communication and reporting tools.

Data Sharing and Collaboration

Skysens provides easy-to-use user management tools for data sharing. supervisors can easily decide who sees what data and respond accordingly without losing time.

Wide Area Network

Our optional wireless network technology is proprietary yet compatible with globally known LoRaWAN technology. Our wireless coverage can go up to 10+ miles (15 km) outdoor and 3000 ft indoors.

Asset Management

Our asset management capabilities enable users to manage real or create virtual assets as well as keep a record of history and facilitation statistics easily and create analytics with no-code interfaces.