Agile Industrial Data Management
Skysens enables a single data stream via MQTT, REST API, and Webhooks for all your industrial assets with prebuilt and customized industrial data adapters.
APM Platform for OT-IT Convergence

With the APM platform any enterprise can easily and securely complete OT-IT data convergence without hindering security.

INITIATE Smart ındustry transformatıon for your ındustry wıth agılıty

Skysens APM platform empowers all types of industrial enterprises with smart data management architecture for ai integration into existing industrial processes.

As an APM partner that serves on the IIoT scene for a decade, Skysens touches the main
pain points of the industrial IoT transformation to create a seamless and problem-free transition.


Current Problems in the Industry
To manage industrial data, achieve tangible results from AI and analytics initiatives inside the enterprises, create proactive data-driven teams and increase operational profit with AI and analytics, companies need to overcome many struggles along the way even for small projects.

Frontliners and Engineer Teams can not each Right Data Easily

Due to the dynamic environment of today’s industries, teams are losing too much time and effort to find the right historic or real-time data to analyze the situation.

Unconnected and Disorganized Data Sources

Industrial enterprises struggle with unprepared, unconnected industrial and operational databases due to different histories of existing legacy systems.

Long Project Times for any Data Analytics and AI Projects

To conduct quality improvements, or new business flows with AI and analytics, industrial enterprises are losing too much time just to find the right set of data.

Lack of Industrial Analytics Know-How

Engineers or data scientists who can create and test analytics on real industrial data are very hard to find. It is also getting harder to keep them in the company due to the global “great reshuffle”.

Lack of "Start Small" Option

Current IIoT and AI platforms require lots of upfront investment even to start, which blurs the management incentive and freezes decision processes.

Too Many Stakeholders and Vendors Needed for any Successful Analytics & AI Initiative

Industrial companies need to work with multiple stakeholders and vendors at the same time to achieve any result from AI projects.


Skysens APM as a Data Platform Value Proposition
As a data platform, Skysens APM solves problems for the industrial enterprises to integrate AI and data-driven processes into existing industrial flows and makes engineering teams and frontliners data-driven, problem solvers.

Easy Data Distribution and Secure Access

Skysens industrial data adapters, wireless edge devices, data storage, manipulation and singular stream via MQTT and REST API as well as exporting capabilities provide any technical team to reach needed data rapidly and securely, remotely.

Unified Industrial Data

In addition to Skysens APM pre-built adapters, Skysens integrated services enable data sourcing from distributed industrial databases to make easy access to data on-demand and integrations for any enterprise platform.

Lower Costs for Analytics & AI Implementations

With a singular, standardized data stream via MQTT and rest APIs, Skysens APM enables users to test and verify any improvement for the industrial processes in a much shorter time, easily.

Easy-to-Use Platform

With its no-code build, Skysens can be used by any user on the team to bring out optimal performance. There is no need for long training hours or high skilled consultants to start.

Easily Scalable

Skysens APM end-to-end approach enables users to start with a couple of data tags or edge devices, and test and scale up with clear investment analyses for decision makers.

End-to-End Integrated Approach

Skysens APM comes with Skysens integrated services for end-to-end offers including data adapters, IIoT gateways, edge devices, and connectivity, as well as data storage and data manipulation capabilities.


Skysens APM edge version does not require any cloud connectivity to create a singular data stream, it can work behind the enterprise firewall on a limited resource.

Stream Analytics

Users can manipulate data on-the-fly between connections with high performance with in-memory processing technology.
How Skysens Handles Predictive Maintenance with Agility


Skysens watches and monitors the facility 24/7 and logs the facility and workforce data.


With accurate data, Skysens analyzes the facility to create detailed reports.


You can do necessary improvements based on the accurate facility and workforce data.
Skysens APM as Data Platform Capabilities
With Skysens APM, industrial data streams are readily available for any data-based workflow.

Inbound Data Integration

Skysens APM comes with OPC UA/DA, MODBUS TCP, LoRaWAN, REST API, MQTT, and many other data adapters as well as Analog and Digital I/OS for inbound data flow.

Outbound Data Integration

Skysens can push raw or manipulated data, alarm tags, and other required data with very low latency to the OT and IT systems via OPC, MODBUS, MQTT, REST API, Webhooks and also direct connection streams for Oracle, Microsoft and AWS.

Optimized SQL Based Database

Skysens APM uses an optimized SQL-based database with in-memory processing capabilities to cover real-time and historic data management scenarios.

Creation of Virtual Asset

APM enables its users to easily create virtual assets as virtual data sources based on real IIoT data sources. This virtual asset type can be used as a stream or non-stream data source and directly routed to external consumers with added context and merged.

User-Based Data Management

Managers can easily assign or remove different assets to different users which are historic and stream IoT data sources depending on context.

Data Manipulation at The Edge

Skysens APM data manipulation capabilities can run on the edge without Cloud connectivity requirement, context can be created, different data can be merged, different preconditions can be set according to data sources.
Skysens Unique Offering
Skysens agile way of doing industrial data management provides unique value for every industrial enterprise.

Shorter ROI

Skysens end-to-end approach enables its users to get data from the source and share it with related parties effectively eliminating third-party software and service requirements.

Integrated Approach

Users can do data integration, manipulation, process, and access control on a single no-code interface.

High Scalability

Skysens flexible architecture enables users to scale with the project easily and efficiently.


With Skysens integrated services, custom integration adapters, data flows, business logic, and analytics can be implemented to Skysens APM by Skysens engineers in a very short time and small budget.

Physical and Digital Data Adapters

Skysens Data Management does not only enable digital data but also provides easy interfaces for physical data integrations with edge devices and remote configuration capabilities.

Skysens APM as a Data Platform Provides Value to Every Level in Your Enterprise
Increase your profits with the shortest return of time industrial digitalization platform in the market. Start your Industry 4.0 journey with modest budgets on multiple fronts at once start with small steps to digital transformation in your industry with easy-to-use analytics ready for your workforce.

Engineering managers can scale overall team’s expertise with agile and secure no-code applications to achieve more proactive frontlines. Thanks to detailed reporting and collaborative data management, get the best out of every member of the team. Less production interruptions and energy costs.

With IT-OT convergence capabilities and singular data stream and user management capabilities, with a highly-secure build, Skysens APM lets IT teams to handle OT data streams easily and efficiently.
Frontliners can implement proactive actions to problems in the field with a no-code, drag-drop analytics that they can set up quickly. With a fully managed hardware ecosystem and integrated long-range wireless network, years of problems can be solved in a matter of hours easily without frequent site visits.