How Agile Predictive Monitoring platform improve energy efficiency and sustainability?

Overreliance on conventional, non-renewable energy sources is associated with increased carbon
emissions and climate change. Meanwhile, rising energy costs and supply volatility have affected
major industries and citizens alike. Thus, the initiative falls on industrial companies to revisit their
energy and sustainability strategies.
IoT has emerged as a promising contender to help industrial firms solve their energy woes in recent
years, although it has yet to fully realized its potential. In this article, we’ll explore IoT’s viability in
stabilizing energy costs while meeting environmental goals.

How IoT is reshaping energy management
Industrial companies adopt IoT technologies to reduce production costs, optimize efficiency and prevent
unplanned breakdowns. For example, they install sensors in manufacturing assets to detect anomalies
and perform timely repairs. This ensures that production facilities meet tight schedules and costs.
IoT also enabled enterprises to create a very detailed picture of what is going on in real-time with
smart sensors and analytics infrastructure to understand inefficiencies locally. Instead of taking
measurements manually, once every month, companies can act preemptively.
Industrial facilities leverage IoT and data analytics for optimizing energy usage and meeting
sustainability goals. Real-time transmission of environmental parameters from critical energy
infrastructure and equipment allows enterprises to reduce energy bills, anticipate technical problems
and minimize carbon footprint simultaneously in real-time.
What is Skysens APM?
Skysens Agile Predictive Monitoring (APM) Platform is an integrated IoT and industrial data analytics
platform for industrial facilities. It allows industrial companies to integrate IoT sensors, consolidate data,
and run analytics easily with no code interface in an agile way. APM works with various industrial
communication interfaces, including MODBUS, OPC UA/DA, Profibus, and MQTT. It also provides
seamless coverage to the entire industrial facility areas indoors and outdoors with an integrated
long-range wireless network for IoT devices based on LoRaWAN technology.
Built with scalability in mind, Skysens APM allows technical operators to add new sensor points via the
plug-and-play approach. Thanks to its smart analytics, enterprises using Skysens APM have reported
up to 20% of energy cost reduction in all energy types. More importantly, real-time alerts from the
platform allow industrial companies to be 5x more responsive to energy and sustainability incidents.
What are the challenges in improving energy efficiency and sustainability?
There is no doubt that IoT benefits industrial processes, but real-life implementations have uncovered
various challenges.

What is Skysens APM?
Skysens Agile Predictive Monitoring (APM) Platform is an integrated IoT and industrial data analytics
platform for industrial facilities. It allows industrial companies to integrate IoT sensors, consolidate data,
and run analytics easily with no code interface in an agile way. APM works with various industrial
communication interfaces, including MODBUS, OPC UA/DA, Profibus, and MQTT. It also provides
seamless coverage to the entire industrial facility areas indoors and outdoors with an integrated
long-range wireless network for IoT devices based on LoRaWAN technology.
Built with scalability in mind, Skysens APM allows technical operators to add new sensor points via the
plug-and-play approach. Thanks to its smart analytics, enterprises using Skysens APM have reported
up to 20% of energy cost reduction in all energy types. More importantly, real-time alerts from the
platform allow industrial companies to be 5x more responsive to energy and sustainability incidents.

How does Skysens APM work to meet energy efficiency goals?

Skysens APM bridges the gap in energy efficiency efforts with the following means.

Flexible Integration
Skysens APM allows industrial companies to optimize diverse energy sources such as gas, steam,
and pressurized air. APM enables technical operators to monitor all energy and operational assets
by adding additional sensors with different types, integrates different energy-related data streams,
and run analytics seamlessly on edge without any cloud connectivity if needed.
Many factories have SCADA systems to operate and monitor their production lines and industrial
infrastructure. Discarding existing systems for newer IoT infrastructure is often not financially
viable. Instead, Skysens APM enables IoT software and sensors to communicate with older systems
via industrial data adapters and retrofit sensors. This allows industrial companies to modernize
operations and scale their infrastructure without a significant increase in CAPEX.


Real-Time Analytics
Industrial companies use real-time analytics to make operational decisions and to keep equipment
functioning optimally. Skysens APM promises ultra-low latency data acquisition and real-time
analytics thanks to its edge deployment capability. Technical operators then use the APM’s intuitive
visual interface to understand real-time situations on the system and get notifications without
losing time.
For example, industrial analysts can set up a sustainability monitoring system and collaborative
analysis within the premise by adding multiple data streams. Then, they use the APM Platform to
create relational decisions based on different data sources and act preemptively.


Smart Reporting and Alerts
All alerts in industrial facilities must propagate and reach the right key person without delays.
Skysens APM is built with smart notification capabilities, which can integrate with other enterprise
management systems. The timely response from the real-time alerting system ensures technical
operators attend to incidents immediately.
Also flexible scheduled reporting capability and integration to reporting tools such as Microsoft BI
makes APM a go-to tool for internal archiving and data-sharing efforts.

How do industrial processes benefit from Skysens APM?
Industrial companies have little room to navigate as they strive to minimize energy consumption and
meet sustainability KPIs. Skysens APM enables industrial plants to reduce energy costs by up to 20%
and minimizes carbon footprint with very short investment returns thanks to its flexible architecture
and wireless data capture capabilities. Furthermore, industrial companies spend less on repairs as the
APM’s predictive analytics allow them to avoid costly breakdowns on energy infrastructure.

With Skysens APM, industrial operators do away with manual data gathering, compilation, and
reporting. Our platform allows them to scale process monitoring without worrying about wiring,
configuration, and coding. Technical operators use APM to integrate legacy or non-IoT systems with
low-power, long-range IoT wireless sensors with minimal effort.
Skysens APM provides real-time analytics that enables industrial firms to respond to changing market
variables accurately and promptly. The ease of generating reports in APM allows managers to
meet regulatory compliance and run in-depth efficiency and compliance analyses. APM’s smart
analytics also help industrial companies to establish socially-conscious reputations with the right
sustainability strategies.

Consumers are calling for more environmentally-conscious and energy-efficient supply chains.
IoT allows industrial companies to take the first step, and Skysens APM adds a boost in the right
direction. Our platform solves teething problems major industries face as they migrate from legacy
systems to IoT-powered analytics and data-driven operations.

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