How does Skysens APM differ from other monitoring platforms?

Since the term Industry 4.0 was coined, manufacturing companies began their shift to Industrial IoT
solutions. According to Statista, the global market size for IIot will hit $1.11 trillion by 2028.
There is no doubt that IIoT adoption is gaining momentum. Yet, this doesn’t mean that the path is free
from obstacles.
Like any technological evolution, challenges surface as more industrial facilities migrate from legacy
systems to an interconnected mesh of sensors, controllers, data processors and integrated
AI capabilities.
Namely, organizations grapple with hardware incompatibility, connectivity issues, real-time data
processing, security issues, and a steep learning curve. Given the variables that might affect a
successful industrial IoT rollout, perceived economic value, and subsequent operations, industrial
enterprises search earnestly for a reliable integrated platform that can be flexible enough with their
ongoing operations.
In this article, we’ll show you how using an Agile Predictive Monitoring Platform addresses major
concerns in IIoT projects.


What is Agile Predictive Monitoring Platform?
Agile Predictive Monitoring Platform (APM) is a digital product that helps industrial enterprises
integrate, manage, and monitor connected devices and optimize their ongoing processes in an agile way.
Developed by Skysens, APM promotes integrability, where teams can deploy sensors and edge devices
on supported networks. For example, APM’s easy-to-use and flexible interface allow engineers to
deploy sensors communicating with long-range industrial grade Skysens LoRaWAN network easily
without cabling.
Instead of siloed operational data, Skysen’s APM enables OT-IT convergence too, which allows data
democratization across technical teams. The platform allows any operator to harness operational data
for actionable operational and business intelligence purposes. Likewise, IT teams can provide better
support to OT infrastructures by consolidating data on a single platform securely and efficiently.

Why Is APM unique?

APM is engineered to fill glaring gaps in the current IIoT landscape. It is flexible, comprehensive, easy to use and highly integrable. For a start, APM allows industries to implement IIoT at scale and extract data from legacy systems with ease. It features a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface with industrial data adapters and edge device management tools that enables integrated data flows without rigorous technical training for both existing and new data sources. Besides enabling quick implementation, APM provides a common data-sharing platform that allows AI implementation to activities and process optimization. Users can manage and share data assets and reports with inbound and outbound data integrations easily. Companies require a secure data pipeline to transfer massive data acquired from IIoT devices. APM provides a secure way of integrating industrial data with the outside world and helps companies comply with industry regulations. Coupled with our secure algorithm, APM enables managers to share data safely from a source of truth.

Key Features of APM Platform
These features make the Skysens APM platform a viable IIoT solution for various industries.

Integration friendly
Skysens APM provides a comprehensive integration option for system engineers. This includes
physical integration devices, industrial network integrations, and platform and enterprise-level
integrations. It bridges IT and OT infrastructures by providing a single control point for technical and
business teams.
Besides integrating new IIoT equipment, our APM can work with legacy systems that are already
in use in the enterprises, such as SCADA, DCS, MES, and ERP. Instead of discarding old systems for
new ones, companies gain significant savings by leveraging APM as an integral part of
existing infrastructure.
Hardware compatibility
Be it devices that run on low-power IoT technologies such as LoRaWAN and NBIoT, the APM
platform allows system engineers to bring together different types of IoT devices easily. Engineers
use Skysens APM to consolidate and manage IoT devices on all premises instead of designing
individual middleware and integration adapters.
Skysens APM supports standard industrial data adapters, such as OPC DA/UA, MODBUS TCP,
SQL connections, MQTT, and REST APIs, to enable a diverse range of IoT and industrial devices to
communicate on the same network. For example, APM creates a single MQTT data flow to manage
thousands of device data easily and securely.
Flexible deployment
Unlike conventional monitoring platforms, Skysens APM does not restrict IIoT deployment to a
specific type of network architecture. It provides equal efficiency when deploying, consolidating,
and managing industrial data in public, private, or hybrid cloud architectures. This helps businesses
to balance data privacy, security, and availability across the organization.
Skysens APM is also edge deployable. Edge deployment is necessary for infrastructures where
real-time processing and zero latency are top priorities. It is easy to deploy the APM on edge
hardware even without an internet connection. This allows timely processing and filtering of data
before ingesting selected data to a central data storage.
Data sharing and analytics
One of the main drivers for industrial IoT is the possibility of harnessing vast amounts of data from
industrial data pipelines. Skysens APM makes the process easier with intuitive data sharing tools
and no code analytics. With no code interface, any technical operator can derive actionable insights
from the acquired data without creating complex BI models.
Diverse applications
The APM enables seamless IIoT applications for industries. System engineers can deploy the APM
for various applications, including energy efficiency, predictive maintenance, asset performance,
health and safety and environmental (HSE), and production improvement. For example, Skysens
APM is deployed in the Istanbul Airport to enable smart logistics, predictive maintenance, and
energy efficiency applications simultaneously on a single infrastructure.
Skysens APM breaks away from the rigidity of conventional facility monitoring systems like SCADA.
It provides a fully customizable interface that lets front liners personalize features to align with
workflows. The platform offers plug-and-play capabilities to allow hassle-free setup or
customization of IoT management features.

How APM Platform Helps You In Your Industrial IoT Implementation
Organizations use the Skysens APM platform for these reasons.

Improve efficiency

Theoretically, transforming legacy infrastructure with AI with IoT capabilities is key to increasing business process efficiency. However, such efforts are often bogged down by the complexity of segmented
networks, wide physical areas, data inconsistencies, and diversehardware types. Scaling industrial IoT systems without addressing these issues will defeat the purpose of such transformations.
With Skysens APM, your facility managers gain a top-down view of the entire infrastructure, and enjoy a 70% time reduction in data preparation. The platform enables them to locate problems in large industrial areas quickly. They do so by analyzing the data to identify abnormal trends and hone in on the source of the issues.

Provided data-driven insights

To remain competitive, your managers must support their decisions with timely data-driven insights. With APM’s edge-deployment capability, managers can easily access data analytics on-premise. It provides possibilities for various use cases, such as predictive maintenance and root cause analysis. For example, managers apply the data in change analysis to investigate contributing factors to a drop in production quality in collaboration with our team members. 

Reduce costs
Skysens APM helps your organization reduce costs and increase profits by applying AI to optimize industrial processes. It spares you from investing in different technologies or replacing existing infrastructure with new ones. Instead, APM works alongside legacy platforms and modern hardware to minimize unnecessary expenditure.

As industrial IoT continues to evolve, businesses need a reliable, all-inclusive and flexible platform to
support their digital transformation efforts. Skysens APM allows companies to bridge legacy systems
without excessive spending. It provides data intelligence capability to improve efficiency, mitigate
issues and empower OT-IT convergence.

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How does Skysens APM differ from other monitoring platforms?

Since the term Industry 4.0 was coined, manufacturing companies began their shift to Industrial IoT
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There is no doubt that IIoT adoption is gaining momentum. Yet, this doesn’t mean that the path is free
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